Add citation file format file

#41 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in feature/citation-file-format (pull request #41)

93e1e7d·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-11-27


Add citation file format file, and remove the old AUTHORS file.

This `.cff` contains the names of anyone who has ever contributed to gs2. The order of names is: current GC alphabetically, followed by people who made PRs to the current release version alphabetically, followed by everyone else alphabetically.

The lists of contributors are generated with:

! List of commiters git log 8.0..HEAD --format='%aN' | sort | uniq ! (between 8.0 and HEAD) git log --format='%aN' | sort | uniq ! (all time) ! List of pull requests git log 8.0..HEAD --merges --oneline --grep "pull request"

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