Feature/add lapack support

#416 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in feature/add_lapack_support (pull request #416)

b161358·Author: ·Closed by: ·2021-04-08


  • Add initial Makefile handling of lapack optional dependency

  • Update utils commit to include lapack matrix inversion

  • Make use of invert_serial wrapper to inversion routines

  • Update utils commit to get bug fix

  • Attempt to use lapack in one of the gitlab ci builds

Adds the mechanics to link against lapack. Most systems will need to update their makefiles (or add to Makefile.local) in order to actually use this. Updates the utils commit in order to get access to lapack based inversion and makes use of this in fields_local. This has can significantly speed up the field response inversion when linked against an optimised lapack library (e.g. ~ factor 2 reduction seen on Archer2, ~factor 10 reduction seen on another machine).

Most features actually brought in in PR #433

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