Enable save_glo_info_and_grids/save_velocities in old diagnostics

#419 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in feature/enable-save-extra-in-old-diagnostics (pull request #419)

1555661·Author: ·Closed by: ·2021-03-12


  • Move save_restart_dist_fn to old diagnostics and generalise

    Allows both modules to call it, and enables adding save_glo_info_and_grids and save_velocities to old diagnostics

  • Enable save_glo_info_and_grids, save_velocities in old diagnostics

Now we have a shared config between the two diagnostics modules, this basically required no new code, just rearrangement of existing code, and the addition of module-level variables (though we could just use the module-level config instead!)

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