Implement write_eigenfunc in new diagnostics

#45 · Created  · Last updated

Declined pull request

Replaced by PR #281

Closed by: ·2020-03-10


Implement writing the eigenfunction (`write_eigenfunc`) in the new diagnostics. This moves write_eigenfunc from diagnostics_final_routines (a list of functions that haven't been upgraded) to diagnostics_fields. As suggested by @rnumata , this also removes the call to do_write_eigenfunc, which should fix #25.

This also adds tests to check that runname.eigenfunc, and the netcdf variables phase, phi_norm, apar_norm and bpar_norm are the same for old and new diagnostics.


As a side note, this diagnostic writes phi / phi(0,:,:) , apar / phi(0,:,:) and bpar / phi(0,:,:), which seems rather redundant.

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