Minor/makefile optimisation

#451 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in minor/makefile_optimisation (pull request #451)

2f36f44·Author: ·Closed by: ·2021-05-24


  • Don't export some local utilities.

    Seems to significantly speed up the build process when building in parallel

  • Switch = to := in a couple of definitions

  • Put export in main makefile to make it clearer that we export everything.

These small changes sped up compilation on a local machine by around 25%

Not sure why, but it looks a bit like the unexport bits help improve concurrency so the gain depends a bit on how many cores you’re using to build. For this reason we don’t see a significant gain in the gitlab CI as the runners only use a single core.

We could start adding some more things to an unexport in the main Makefile (and then hopefully switch to just explicitly exporting the minimum required, rather than everything).

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