Fix job manage test

#47 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in bugfix/job-manage-test (pull request #47)

a16562e·Author: ·Closed by: ·2018-12-13


The job manage test checks that gs2 stops running when:

  1. a .stop file is created; and

  2. when available cpu time runs out.

Before this PR, the test would fail occasionally, but not with a clear pattern. For example, on my machine, it would fail when mpi ranks where oversubscribed, but this wasn’t the case on other machines.

This PR:

  • splits the job_manage test into two tests, one for each mechanism

  • moves the deletion of the .stop file to the end of the test, which I think fixes the rank oversubscription problem

  • adds a condition to check that it is the available time that causes the job to finish, rather than just doing all the timesteps

  • adds a README for the tests

Addresses #31

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