Bugfix/avoid resetting istep last in timestep change

#488 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in bugfix/avoid_resetting_istep_last_in_timestep_change (pull request #488)

b0930b8·Author: ·Closed by: ·2021-07-28


  • Make sure nstep_measure is at least 2

  • Don't reset istep_last when reading parameters in nonlinear_terms

    This avoids an issue whereby each time we change the timestep we reset istep_last to zero, therefore misidentifying repeat calls to add_explicit on the same iteration.

This fixes a potential bug where we wrongly shuffle the explicit sources in cases where we have to reduce the time step and immediate_reset is true. Saves recalculation of the nonlinear source following a time step change with immediate_reset true. This should also avoid us changing the time step more than once per iteration

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