Initialise some flags in gs2 save and improve restart file treatment

#524 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in bugfix/initialise_some_flags_in_gs2_save_and_improve_restart_file_treatment (pull request #524)

01d4504·Author: ·Closed by: ·2021-09-08


  • Make sure save_many and read_many are always initialised

  • Accept any length string in call to set_restart_file

  • Truncate set_restart_file argument if required (and warn)

Small tweaks to make it easier to use the gs2_save module without going through the full initialisation of gs2. In 8.2 we should probably seek to avoid run_name_size and instead adopt allocatable strings.

Prior to this PR, calling set_restart_file(some_short_string) would lead to run time memory troubles as the argument was not exactly run_name_size length.

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