Remove contribution to conservation terms from hybrid-passing electrons

#535 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in feature/hybrid_electrons_conservation_corrections (pull request #535)

e69f010·Author: ·Closed by: ·2021-10-14


This shouldn’t actually change the results for the code as is, as we currently overwrite this section of the distribution function in the field calculation (i.e. getan). The motivation for this change is to ensure that the distribution function remains consistent in other areas of the code. It is also useful for the changes in feature/hybrid_electrons_less_code.


Note the changes here only address the calculation of the constants used in the conservation terms. We could potentially skip the work associated with these sections of the distribution function when calculating the conserved terms. We don’t currently worry about skipping work associated with the passing hybrid electrons elsewhere so I’ve not worried about that here either.


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