Prettier building

#76 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in feature/prettier_building (pull request #76)

4818ded·Author: ·Closed by: ·2019-02-18


  • Provide some utility routines/settings for making make output a bit tidier

    Adds QUIET (default=yes) and WITH_COL (default= undefined) options. If QUIET is defined then print a simple message for what operation is being performed rather than full set of commands. If WITH_COL is defined then use escape codes to colour the message output.

  • Start to tidy up some of the test Makefile output etc.

    Note we currently use recursive calls to make in order to build/clean some of the test cases and these do not automatically inherit all of the settings of the parent so some of the new messaging/quiet-mode functions don't work here.


There’s more (much more) that could be done to further tidy up but I think this is probably better done in small chunks.

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