Do not vary nproc in gs2_optimization test

#86 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in bugfix/fix-optimization-test (pull request #86)

f018649·Author: ·Closed by: ·2019-03-13


Currently, the `gs2_optimisation` test fails on some machines with array out-of-bounds errors (see #46 and #48). I haven't been able to reproduce this, but it seems likely the cause is that gs2 cannot robustly handle changing the value of nproc within an execution.

This PR disables the nproc scan part of the optimization test, by setting max_unused_procs = 0. Now the number of procs is not varied, and out-of-bounds errors should not occur. Hopefully.


Addresses #46

Addresses #48

Update: We’ve decided to delete non-functional tests, and re-implement them in pfunit. Merging this branch keeps the test history and the partial fix.

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