Remove fft_save_wisdom.c

Issue #3 resolved
David Dickinson created an issue

The use of a c language file can complicate the build process slightly. It should be possible to use fftw's wisdom saving routines directly in Fortran with two methods

  1. We use the default filename rather than allowing an arbitrary file. Simple but loses flexibility that we may want (but do we use this?).
  2. Follow the approach here to provide a routine that fftw can use to read/write a character at a time.

Both methods are mentioned at

Comments (4)

  1. Peter Hill

    Can we use iso_c_binding to provide our own interfaces to the C routines? This obviously ties us to needing F2003

  2. David Dickinson reporter

    We do use iso_c_binding already here, but to call our own c routines rather than calling the fft routine directly.

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