[Spell-Hunter] Aimed Shot

Issue #246 resolved
KyTOK created an issue

Un potente disparo de puntería que haga daño de arma a distancia 160% más X.

BUG: Inflinge menos daño del que debiese

Daño inflingdo (No critico):2240-2318 aprox Daño Inflingido (Critico): 4764-4960

Deberia ser algo asi: 160% daño arma +72.4% ap +34 Atributos: AP: 6020 / Arma-daño(arco): 781-1173

Daño inflingido(Rango maximo del arma): 1876.8 +4358.48+34= 6268.08 Daño inflingido(Rango minimo del arma): 1249.6+4358.48+34=5642.08

Link de la spell: http://www.wowwiki.com/Aimed_Shot

Cataclysm Patch 4.1.0 (26-Apr-2011): Aimed Shot and Steady Shot should no longer start casting Auto Shot on a new target when the "Stop Auto Attack" option enabled.

Hotfix (2011-02-22): ""Aimed Shot damage has been decreased to approximately 160% weapon damage (at level 80+), down from 200%.""

Cataclysm Patch 4.0.6 (8-Feb-2011): Aimed Shot weapon damage has been increased to 200%, up from 150%. In addition, the base cast time has been reduced to 2.4 seconds, down from 3.; Aimed Shot no longer ignores the Fire! buff when cast by macro.

Link del calculo de Aimed shot: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3061879455

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