[Talento Priest]Strength of Soul

Issue #914 resolved
Nheei created an issue

El talento tiene dos funciones, la primera funciona bien, la segunda no funciona.

Cataclysm Patch 4.0.6 (2011-02-08): Now occurs when the priest casts [Inner Focus] on oneself, rather than Power Word: Shield. In addition, Strength of Soul now also causes the priest to become immune to silence, interrupt, and dispel effects for 2/5 seconds after using Inner Focus.

En resumen , deberia ser inmune durante 5 segundos luego de ocupar InnerFocus. efecto que no esta ocurriendo.

Un video de ejemplo como deveria funcionar : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK4Z1DCRAAs

ID del talento con 2 puntos:89489

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