Error when using the "long-hand initialisation method"

Issue #1 open
Daniel Doyle created an issue

Hello there,

I seem to be encountering an issue with how the cURL is formed when using the non-factory method. When doing the following:

$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$linode = new Linode($client, 'your api key here');
$response = $linode->execute(new DomainCommand('list'));

I receive the following error:

Hampel\Linode\Exception\LinodeRequestException: Error requesting Linode command [domain.list]: [curl] (#3) See for an explanation of cURL errors [url] ?api_action=domain.list&api_key=<apikeyhere> in Hampel\Linode\Linode->send() (line 85 of hampel/linode/src/Linode.php)

Any ideas? Thanks

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