Please remove the 161MiB "./cd/trk3/trkramfs" from your repository (it can re-generated by the "./mknewbuild" script)

Issue #19 resolved
SebM created an issue


The "./cd/trk3/trkramfs" which is 161MiB does not need to be stored and tracked in your repo. because it can re-generated by the "./mknewbuild" script.

Can you please remove it using this github suggestion :

git rm --cached cd/trk3/trkramfs
git commit --amend -CHEAD
echo cd/trk3/trkramfs >> .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -uno .gitignore -m "Removed cd/trk3/trkramfs from repository"
git push origin master


God bless you.

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