[Question]Which Linux distribution is TRK based ?

Issue #21 new
SebM created an issue


`grub2` has a module ( ‘loopback.mod’) that can mount iso files.

I need the parameters for ''grub2'' to pass to the linux kernel so as to boot from the TRK ISO file.

Examples : https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/grub2_lancer_des_images_iso#systemes_de_maintenance

Can you give theses parameters or at least precise on which Linux distribution is TRK based ?

Comments (2)

  1. Tom Kerremans repo owner

    TRK is like a dinosaur now: it’s based on Mandriva 10.2 I believe. And i’ts quite possible Grub’s been updated over the years. I only started using git in 2012 and checking from the git logs it’s not been particularily updated

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