Missing WLAN parameter setup to connect to internet

Issue #7 new
Peter Steiner created an issue

Assume I am sitting in front of a notebook which is currently connected only by WLAN to internet (router).

Then I boot (from BootCD) TRK.

Unfortunately I cannot find a (sub)menu to setup/config WLAN parameters (see attached snapshot). I think WLAN access is nowadays the most common Internet access method rather than cable. So TRK should provide all necessary configuration options.

Could you include WLAN parameter setup menu in TRK.

Thank you Peter

Comments (1)

  1. Tom Kerremans repo owner

    I'll work on it some more, I already included drivers into the kernel and there should be commandline tools like iwconfig which should allow you to do a manual connection. Could you play around with that please so I know it works? I'll try to find some time to test it myself.

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