date range time log error

Issue #1 resolved
Rob Hasker repo owner created an issue

Specifying the date range seems to be failing. If I pick "MSOE Time Logger" as the project with From date = 05/17/2017 and Until = 05/24/2017, I get the attached error. This error is intermittent. In one case I "fixed" the problem by creating a dummy sprint covering the date range of interest, and then custom date ranges started working for other projects. Screen Shot 2017-05-29 at 8.17.42 PM.png

Comments (3)

  1. TrippH

    Yeah, that is caused by JIRA returning an error since there are no worklogs created for those days. We will have to catch that and give the user a message that there is no data to display. Thanks!

  2. Rob Hasker reporter

    Makes sense - I was looking for hours posted after the sprint ended, so it's not surprising that students didn't post hours.

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