Sprint View and Date View show different results

Issue #15 resolved
Ryan Weise created an issue

For Project: Clinical Data Visualizer For Sprint: CDV Sprint 4 and For Dates: 01/08/2018-01/28/2018

These two spans of time, though identical, currently display different numbers of work logs and corresponding hours. The first attachment shows all work hours logged being displayed through the date-specific view, whereas the second shows two work logs being ignored for the sprint view. All work logs are confirmed to be at or after the sprint start.

Comments (2)

  1. Andrew Sullivan-Bormann

    So, there was a difference of seconds when determining what lies within the sprint. The times used have information down to the second, so when the sprint started, it was 9:00:18, meaning anything logged for 9:00:00 would be filtered out. We've fixed this now since nobody uses the seconds. It'll be put in our next release.

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