Refresh Page button often doesn't work

Issue #69 new
About Time created an issue

So I just discovered the refresh page button, which, by the way, would be awesome if it would work. But from my 2 minutes of trying to use the feature, it doesn't seem to work most of the time. I think I had it work once within the 8 or so times that I pressed it. Every other time it brings you back to the main page and says that you "Cannot view time log for a non-started sprint". There are a few problems with this, the big one being that the feature doesn't work, but another one being that we don't even have a non-started sprint yet, only 18s2... Try it out on JDA Client Provisioning with sprint 18s2 and see if you can replicate it.

Hopefully I've been descriptive enough, goodluck!

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