Allow 2 PS Move bridges at same time

Issue #3 resolved
André Gm created an issue

Please allow 2 or more PS Move bridges at same time to FreePIE

Comments (4)

  1. William Groom

    I just had a fiddle and it looks like both instances of the bridge send the data to freePieIO[0]. Hopefully it should be a simple matter to send the second to freePieIO[1] but I don't know any of the specifics about using freePieIO and nothing is ever as simple as it should be.

    My guess would be to first ask the use how many controllers to bridge then ask which controllers.

  2. Elliot Hawkins repo owner

    It would be possible to send more than one controller using different indices into freePieIO, but not at the same time as raw sensor data. Since there are only four available and two are required for the sensor data of one controller, that just won't fit.

    I could have it ask if you want to track multiple controllers at the expense of the sensor data at startup.

  3. Elliot Hawkins repo owner

    Alpha 5 is up, which allows up to 4 controllers to be tracked at once. It does have the limitation that you can't use sensor data at the same time. I don't know how to do this with FreePIE IO, and don't see this being fixed. Waiting for William Groom's native FreePIE plugin is probably the best option for anyone needing both at the same time.

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