Virtual Controller client API support

#3 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in HipsterSloth/psmovefreepiebridge (pull request #3)

61469e0·Author: ·Closed by: ·2017-06-24


To compliment the virtual HMD work, people have also been asking to be able to use an illuminated ping pong ball attached to a non tracked controller (like xbox 360 controller) so that they don't need to use a PSMove controller. I just released a new version of PSMoveService with support for "VirtualControllers". In order to take advantage of this new feature, clients of PSMoveService need to take advantage of the updated Client controller api. A virtual controller will have valid position tracking data and button data, but will always have a unit quaternion for an orientation. This PR contains an updated version of PSMoveFreePieBridge that supports virtual controllers. Virtual controllers will ignore the custom tracking color override (since a ping pong ball can't have it's tracking color updated).

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