
HBPNeurorobotics engine_grpc.proto

Created by erdisayar
syntax = "proto3";

/* use import proto/any.proto for C#, use the other import below for python
import "any.proto";

import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
package EngineGrpc;

 * Remote Procedure Calls available to the gRPC engine
 * These are commands that the engine client can send to the engine server
service EngineGrpcService
    rpc initialize  (InitializeRequest)   returns (InitializeReply)   {}
    rpc shutdown    (ShutdownRequest)     returns (ShutdownReply)     {}
    rpc runLoopStep (RunLoopStepRequest)  returns (RunLoopStepReply)  {}
    rpc setDataPacks(SetDataPacksRequest) returns (SetDataPacksReply) {}
    rpc getDataPacks(GetDataPacksRequest) returns (GetDataPacksReply) {}
    rpc reset       (ResetRequest)        returns (ResetReply)        {}

 * Data of a single datapack sent by server in response to the getDataPack command
 * and received after a call of setDataPack command
 * Contains datapack metadata and data specific to the datapack type
 message DataPackMessage
     DataPackIdentifier  dataPackId = 1;
     google.protobuf.Any data       = 2;
  * DataPack metadata
 message DataPackIdentifier
     string dataPackName = 1;
     string dataPackType = 2;
     string engineName   = 3;

 * Message sent by client with the init command
 * Contains initialization configuration in form of a stringified JSON
message InitializeRequest
    string json = 1;

 * Server's response to the init command
message InitializeReply
    string json = 1;

 * Message sent by client with the shutdown command
 * Contains additional shutdown parameters in form of a stringified JSON
message ShutdownRequest
    string json = 1;

 * Server's response to the shutdown command
message ShutdownReply
    string json = 1;

 * Message sent by client with the runLoopStep command
 * Contains requested time step of the simulation
message RunLoopStepRequest
    int64 timeStep = 1;

 * Server's response to the runLoopStep command
 * Contains current time of the simulation (after running the requested time step)
message RunLoopStepReply
    int64 engineTime = 1;

 * Message sent by client with the setDataPack command
 * Contains data for multiple datapacks
message SetDataPacksRequest
    repeated DataPackMessage dataPacks = 1;

 * Server's response to the setDataPack command
message SetDataPacksReply
    // Empty

 * Message sent by client with the getDataPack command
 * Contains metadata of multiple datapacks
message GetDataPacksRequest
    repeated DataPackIdentifier datapackIds = 1;

 * Server's response to the getDataPack command
 * Contains data of multiple datapacks
message GetDataPacksReply
    repeated DataPackMessage dataPacks = 1;

 * Request sent by reset command
message ResetRequest
    string json = 1;

 * Server's response to the reset command
message ResetReply
    string json = 1;

// EOF

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