Support en dash character (U+2013) as subtraction operator

Issue #1027 new
Former user created an issue

1–(0.15*.15) = 0.022500000000000

(0.15*.15) = 0.022500000000000

1-(0.15*.15) = 0.977500000000000

What's the difference? I retyped in the "1". I need a calculator I can trust.

Comments (4)

  1. Tey'

    The character you use for subtraction in first line is "en dash" (U+2013) which is not a valid subtraction operator. It is then ignored by SC which transforms the expression as 1(0.15*.15), that is, an implicit multiplication by 1.

    Keeping this issue open just in case we decide to accept en dash (U+2013) as a subtraction operator (Word replaces the minus character with this one in text, so it might make sense to compensate for that).

  2. Justin

    This also occurs with the U+2212 “minus sign” which the default Ubuntu calculator uses for subtraction, can cause confusion when copying over equations

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