
Issue #1038 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Hello, the following value cannot be calculated: arcsin (0.629)

SpeedCrunch 0.12 (Portable Edition) (Qt 5.6.2)

Comments (6)

  1. Tey'

    OP is in gradian mode which is strange because sin(38,961) in gradian mode results in 0,574503..., not 0.629. Anyway, arcsin(0,629) also work in gradian mode, but not arcsin(0.629) (which means arcsin(629)), unless complex number mode is enabled. So yes, most likely a radix character issue.

    For OP: if you want to use both , and . (comma and dot) as a radix character, please set the appropriate option in the settings: sc.png

  2. Tey'

    Sorry, I've been confused with the fact that "Grad" in German means "Degree" instead of "Gradian" actually.

    This issue is actually a duplicate of #781 which has been fixed after the release of latest official version. A quick workaround is to disable complex numbers support, but a probably better solution is to replace your current version of SpeedCrunch with a development build which contains the most up-to-date version of the app.

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