Unit Conversions

Issue #1146 new
vertigo created an issue

Either I’m missing something, or doing conversions in SpeedCrunch is extremely unintuitive. I’m trying to do something as basic as degrees C to F conversion and can’t figure out how. In a previously used calculator, it was as simple as typing the number for one then going to the menu, conversions, temperature, and selecting C → F. Since there’s no menu option for conversions in SpeedCrunch, I played around and figured out you can type certain words to bring up units, but many, including C and F, aren’t present, nor are temperature or degrees related to temp. So again, unless I’m missing something, this doesn’t seem possible, though it should be.

I would think the best way to implement it is to add all the various units for temp, length, volume, mass, etc, so you can e.g. type 212 then start typing Celsius and after typing just a couple letters select it from the popup, then another popup would show which would list all the other temperature units, at which point you could select Fahrenheit and it would do the conversion and give you the result.

Comments (1)

  1. Eric Paul Marvets

    The unit system doesn’t support non-linear conversions, but you can always roll your own converter:

    fToC(F) = (F-32)*5/9
    cToF(C) = (C * 9/5) + 32

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