Links in Maths book stop at "^"

Issue #177 closed
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 177

1. Click on an equation in the Maths Book which includes a power "^"

Equation should be copied, but it only copies the section before the ^.

0.10 on Kubuntu

Reported by riddell on 2008-04-02 17:16:20

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Hi Jonathan. I can't reproduce this. I tried on Kubuntu 7.10 (up to date) and Windows. What Qt version are you using? Is it the Kubuntu beta? ```

    Reported by `helder.pereira.correia` on 2008-04-02 18:35:50

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Yes, this only happens with Qt 4.4.


    Reported by `riddell` on 2008-04-08 18:03:52

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Tried with Qt 4.4 RC1 on Kubuntu, SuSE and Windows and I could never reproduce this issue. ```

    Reported by `helder.pereira.correia` on 2008-04-09 09:33:04

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` This is the case with Qt 4.4 because the way QUrl handles the URL containing special characters has been modified to conform to the specification (i.e. the QUrl 4.3 was "wrong" in that respect).

    I have the fix and I am testing it. ```

    Reported by `ariya.hidayat` on 2008-04-09 15:50:48

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` I have fixed both on /trunk and /branches/0.10. Could you give it a try again? ```

    Reported by `ariya.hidayat` on 2008-04-09 16:54:05

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Reported by `ariya.hidayat` on 2008-04-13 13:57:25 - Status changed: `Fixed` - Labels added: Milestone-0.10.1

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