Crash when inserting ( after variable

Issue #32 closed
Martin Gill created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 32

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Start SpeedCrunch (Windows v0.7)
2. Type "pi(5)"
3. Hit Enter or Click Evaluate

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

I expect either the result of pi * 5 or an invalid function message.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

Windows v0.7

Reported by MartinSGill on 2007-05-09 12:54:03

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Confirmed. It does not happen only with "pi" but also with any other non-function name. Platform-independent issue. ```

    Reported by `helder.pereira.correia` on 2007-05-12 00:08:20 - Status changed: `Accepted` - Labels added: Priority-High, Milestone-0.8 - Labels removed: Priority-Medium

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Fixed in trunk. Will be available for 0.8.

    The crash occured whenever using a variable as a function (e.g. "pi(" or "ans("), internal and user-defined ones.

    It doesn't crash anymore and "pi()" is now valid, evaluating as "pi". The same happens with "ans()" and any other user-defined variable. ```

    Reported by `helder.pereira.correia` on 2007-05-20 01:10:27 - Status changed: `Fixed`

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Fixing title. ```

    Reported by `helder.pereira.correia` on 2007-05-22 23:58:25

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