Automatic insertion of "ans" variable

Issue #389 closed
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 389

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.  enter calculation
2.  begin new calculation with negative sign

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
speedcrunch inserts the "ans" variable automatically

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
.10.1, win7 

Please provide any additional information below.
I'd like it if this was an option, as i often do separate calculations that begin with
leading negative signs, and it's a slight inconvenience to have to delete the 'ans'
variable, although i can see where it would benefit some people.

Reported by brandon.m.paquette on 2011-09-22 12:46:42

Comments (8)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Reported by `helder.pereira.correia` on 2011-09-30 06:27:29 - Status changed: `Accepted`

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    ``` Fixed in commit 78f348a (

    There is a new option 'Settings > Behavior > Automatic Result Reuse' that allows user configuration of this feature. ```

    Reported by `helder.pereira.correia` on 2011-12-04 09:41:39 - Status changed: `Fixed` - Labels added: Type-Enhancement, Priority-High, Milestone-0.11, Component-UI, Component-Logic, OpSys-All, Usability

  3. Former user Account Deleted
    Issue 446 has been merged into this issue.

    Reported by helder.pereira.correia on 2013-09-16 20:44:13

  4. Former user Account Deleted
    I don't have a setting for automatic result reuse.

    Reported by bsmith7581 on 2013-09-17 02:09:58

  5. Former user Account Deleted
    @bsmith7581 this is milestone 0.11, so available from next release.

    Reported by helder.pereira.correia on 2013-09-17 05:06:41

  6. Former user Account Deleted
    I found a workaround for this in 0.10.1:  Use the minus button on speedcrunch's on-screen
    keypad, and it won't insert "ans" before the minus sign.  That means this bug affects
    only keyboard entry.

    Reported by bsmith7581 on 2013-09-17 06:34:16

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