SpeedCrunch.exe is not a valid Win32 application (0.11 RC3)

Issue #463 closed
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 463


I installed SpeedCrunch RC3 for Windows without problem, but when I launch it, Windows
show me an error message stating that "SpeedCrunch.exe is not a valid Win32 application"
(this is a translation, the original message is in my locale). I checked the SHA1 sum,
and the download was not corrupted. I even unpacked the executable using upx, but the
problem still exists.

My computer runs on Windows XP x86 (up to date), and the 0.11 alpha version works.
I tried to reply in the appropriate thread (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/speedcrunch/WHYxowPZNwI),
but Google did not allow me to do so :/

Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-01-02 22:20:42

Comments (27)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    After some digging, I believe the issue is related to the fact that the RC3 version
    has been built for a Windows version higher than XP (because the application icon is
    in PNG format, which is only supported since Windows Vista).
    Is it a deliberate choice ? If so, please let me note that XP is still used on 30%
    of desktop computers, and excluding them from the next SpeedCrunch releases sounds
    a bit odd to me. If not, please rebuilt the RC3 version for Windows XP and above.

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-01-02 22:26:23

  2. Former user Account Deleted
    Hi. thanks for catching this. We intend to support XP, and will fix this issue before
    release. This was simply the first time where I built SpeedCrunch on Win8 rather than
    on XP and violĂ , it immediately breaks... The icon is indeed a good place to start

    Reported by alessandro.portale on 2014-01-03 06:34:18 - Status changed: Accepted

  3. Former user Account Deleted
    Mystery solved. Until recently, I used Visual C++ 2010 for building SpeedCrunch. This
    time I used 2012 and it turns out that Visual C++ 2012 does not create XP-compatible
    builds out-of-the box!
    See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2012/10/08/10357555.aspx for details.
    I'll simply switch back to 2010.

    Reported by alessandro.portale on 2014-01-03 15:28:06

  4. Former user Account Deleted
    Thanks for having looked into it. From the link you gave, it seems to be possible to
    target Windows XP with VS2012, so maybe you don't need to switch back to VS2010.
    In order to check if the resulting executable will work on XP, you can use the Dumpbin
    tool which comes with VS, and check that the "subsystem version" header is set to 4.0
    (or 5.1, but not 6.0) using the following command line:
      Dumpbin /headers SpeedCrunch.exe
    Of course, I'm also available to confirm that the next build works on XP experimentally
    if needed.

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-01-03 17:14:06

  5. Former user Account Deleted
    Since I had 2010 installed, rebuilding Qt seemed quicker than trying to tweak the 2012
    installation as suggested in the article. Since I am building exclusively in the command
    line (via nmake/jom), I would need to first find out how to change the subsystem version
    Anyways, can you re-test with the attached SpeedCrunch?

    Reported by alessandro.portale on 2014-01-03 23:39:12

    <hr> * Attachment: SpeedCrunch-0.11.exe

  6. Former user Account Deleted
    ...Just noticed that Dumpbin reports Subsystem version 5.01. Sigh.

    Reported by alessandro.portale on 2014-01-03 23:43:35

  7. Former user Account Deleted
    ...although 5.1 (which most likely is meant by 5.01) seems to be XP.

    Reported by alessandro.portale on 2014-01-03 23:45:42

  8. Former user Account Deleted
    The attached executable works for me on XP ! Thanks :)
    There's probably no need to support subsystem version bellow 5.1, as 5.0 is Windows
    2000, and 4.0 is Windows NT 4.0. None of them are widely used: http://www.netmarketshare.com/operating-system-market-share.aspx?qprid=10&qpcustomd=0

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-01-03 23:52:24

  9. Former user Account Deleted
    There's still a little glitch with the application icon: it doesn't show in the start
    menu nor on the desktop nor in the explorer (the default application icon is shown
    instead, see the screenshot). It is shown correctly when the application run though,
    in the task bar and on the application window.
    I checked the resources that the exe contains (with FileAlyzer), and the icon is sill
    in PNG format, so Windows XP cannot use it. I guess you need to convert it to the ICO
    format, and add it to the resources, maybe without removing the PNG icon so that it
    looks better in Vista+.
    But anyway, this does not block the application in any way, so it's not really important

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-01-05 02:08:07

    <hr> * Attachment: SpeedCrunch_iconbug.png<br>SpeedCrunch_iconbug.png

  10. Former user Account Deleted
    (BTW, is the forum locked or something like that ? Because I still can not join it or
    reply in the RC3 thread).

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-01-05 02:11:49

  11. Former user Account Deleted
    It's the first time I hear about issues joining the forum. I'll investigate.

    Reported by helder.pereira.correia on 2014-01-05 03:05:23

  12. Former user Account Deleted
    The exact issue is that when try to join the forum, I get an error message saying "You
    do not have permission to join this forum." (see screenshot). And the "Reply" buttons
    in the threads disappear as soon as I log in.
    I've never used Google groups/forums in the past, so I don't know if this is a problem
    with my account or with the forum.

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-01-05 03:58:03

    <hr> * Attachment: SpeedCrunch_forumissue.png<br>SpeedCrunch_forumissue.png

  13. Former user Account Deleted
    Can you retry with this version?
    The icon had indeed PNG compression which may not be supported on WinXP. This attached
    package has an applicatino icon without compression.

    Reported by alessandro.portale on 2014-01-19 23:56:45

    <hr> * Attachment: SpeedCrunch-0.11.exe

  14. Former user Account Deleted
    With the new version, the icon shows up everywhere on XP now. Bug fixed :)

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-01-21 21:01:02

  15. Former user Account Deleted
    Great to know, thanks! Since you're on XP, could you let me know what is the latest
    available version of Internet Explorer on that platform? I'm finishing the new website
    and don't have a means to test on IE versions prior to 10.

    Reported by helder.pereira.correia on 2014-01-21 22:46:29 - Status changed: Fixed - Labels added: Type-Defect, OpSys-Windows, Milestone-0.11

  16. Former user Account Deleted
    IE8 is the highest version of IE which can run on Windows XP. I can compare the output
    of the new website between IE8 and Chrome/Firefox if you need it.

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-01-22 12:35:02

  17. Former user Account Deleted
    It is impossible to rewrite the website just for IE8. Also, there's http://windows.microsoft.com/eos
    so I won't bother at all :)

    Reported by helder.pereira.correia on 2014-01-29 09:02:32

  18. Former user Account Deleted
    Hi Tey, I've just fixed the forum. You should now be able to ask for joining. Let me
    know otherwise.

    Reported by helder.pereira.correia on 2014-01-30 07:37:18

  19. Former user Account Deleted
    Thanks, I've been able to join the forum.
    As for IE8, maybe you could show a message to users of old IE versions, because the
    new website version definitely doesn't work with IE8 (and there're still many people
    stuck on XP). For instance, there is a ready to use (and customizable) script at http://www.browser-update.org/
    which does that pretty well.

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-02-02 03:45:26

  20. Former user Account Deleted
    @Tey: Thanks for the tip on browser-update. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it to
    work. But I rolled my own simplified thing and it seems to work great when it comes
    to IE version detection and user notification. Are you able to tell me what is the
    lowest version of IE that is able to properly display the new website? Also, I know
    that IE11 is available for Windows 7, but what about Vista? Thanks

    Reported by helder.pereira.correia on 2014-02-24 00:50:15

  21. Former user Account Deleted
    Thanks for the warning message, but maybe you could add a suggestion so that the users
    of old IE versions switch to an alternative browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc.).
    Anyway, I found a way to make the website work for IE8 (and above) users:
    1/ Move the copyrights line after the DOCTYPE line. If the document does not start
    with the DOCTYPE line, IE8/9 believes it is broken, and renders it in quirk mode. The
    HTML validator pointed that out (http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=speedcrunch.org).
    2/ Add a static background color to the CSS before the gradient one, so that browsers
    that do not support gradients still show a background (the gradient color will erase
    the background color in browsers that support gradient).
    I attached a patch which do both. The result on IE8/9 is not as pretty as you designed
    it, but at least, it is functional.
    As for the minimum version of IE:
    * The highest IE version for XP is IE8, and the website does not work properly without
    the 2 modifications above. Gradient colors, rounded borders and background animations
    are not supported.
    * The highest IE version for Vista is IE9, and the website does not work properly without
    the 2 modifications above. Gradient colors and background animations are not supported.
    * The highest IE version for Win7/8 is IE11, and the website works properly without
    the 2 modifications above. All the features seem to be supported.
    I cannot test with IE10, as I do not own a computer with it.

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-02-24 18:48:21

    <hr> * Attachment: ie8.patch

  22. Former user Account Deleted
    I attached some screenshots so that you can see how the website renders on IE8/9 with
    and without the modifications.

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-02-24 19:09:09

    <hr> * Attachment: ie9_nochanges.png<br>ie9_nochanges.png * Attachment: ie8.png<br>ie8.png * Attachment: ie9.png<br>ie9.png

  23. Former user Account Deleted
    Amazing work, Tey, can't thank you enough. Please confirm it's working on your side
    now. BTW, you can create pull requests for the website: https://github.com/speedcrunch/www

    Reported by helder.pereira.correia on 2014-02-24 21:13:28

  24. Former user Account Deleted
    Thanks, the website now works properly on both IE8 and IE9. I'll use the github repository
    if there's more issues to discuss about the website (but there's none so far).

    Reported by teyut@free.fr on 2014-02-25 17:57:00

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