Commas (,) are only used as thousands separators, not decimal points, in the US/UK/AU

Issue #520 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 520

If I enter "1,024" into SC, it treats it like "1 point 024".  This is only correct in
cases where the country uses commas (,) as decimal points.

Whereas, in the US, UK and Australia, commas are only used as thousands separators.
 If I enter "1,024", I want it to be treated as "1024".

Similarly, if I enter "1,048,576", SC currently says "invalid expression" because it
thinks I've entered two decimal points in the same number.

Can you please include a toggle in the "Settings -> Behaviour" menu that allows commas
to be used as thousands separators instead of decimal points?

Also, it'd be handy for financially oriented users if SC would simply ignore currency
symbols (e.g. $), rather than saying "invalid expression".

Reported by Xavion.0 on 2014-08-05 22:50:38

Comments (1)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    This issue was heavily discussed for a long time. I ended up opting for space as thousands
    separator, and comma or dot both valid as fractional separator (see issue 58 and issue
    462). Some people have asked for number pasting to be smarter, though (see issue 434).
    I think your request is sort of the same as issue 434, so I'm marking this one as duplicate.
    Please drop a comment on issue 434 about the currency symbols stripping.

    Reported by helder.pereira.correia on 2014-08-06 12:05:17 - Status changed: Duplicate - Merged into: #434

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