inconsistent behavior when starting new operation with minus sign

Issue #554 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 554

Steps to reproduce:

Expected behavior:

+25 (infer ans + 25)

-10 (infer ans - 10)

Experienced behavior:

+25 (properly infers ans + 25)

-10 (fails to infer ans - 10)

Product version:  0.11

Operating system: Mac OSX 10.10.2

Additional Information:
Starting new operation with a minus sign should behave the same as beginning with a
plus, i.e., infer ans - x.  Instead a minus seems to override the ans inference.  All
other operators seem to behave consistently.

This becomes a problem when I'm doing a sequence of things without carefully looking
at the calculator; if I forget to type "ans" before a minus operation, it messes up
the sequence.  I don't believe this was ever an issue when I used the keypad version
on my Windows machine. (Not lobbying for the keypad, just saying :-)

Reported by khalilsid on 2015-02-23 21:58:25

<hr> * Attachment: calc.tiff

Comments (1)

  1. Former user Account Deleted
    Thanks. This is a duplicated though, and has been fixed some time ago. See issue 483.

    Reported by helder.pereira.correia on 2015-02-24 13:53:50 - Status changed: Duplicate - Merged into: #483

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