Remove grouping characters from pasted in numbers

Issue #579 duplicate
Val created an issue

It would be super useful if speedcrunch would remove the number group separaters from pasted in numbers. I frequently do math on numbers that I grab from a web application, and those number might look like this: "9,999,999.00".

This means that before I can do computation, I must first manually remove all commas. I am proposing that speedcrunch could have a setting that automatically removes these commas.

It would only work in situations where the Radix Character != comma, of course, but I imagine that this is a very common situation.

Comments (5)

  1. Tey'

    This has been implemented in the trunk already, but issue #434 is still open because the implementation causes some problems with the session files (which format has been changed recently IIRC).

    Should you want to try it, you can use the nightly builds and make sure the "Detect All Radix Characters" option is disabled for your example to work.

  2. Tey'

    No, I did break the session feature when implementing the radix detection in the parser. It only happens in some specific cases, but I still have to fix it.

    Storing the user functions opcodes into the session files as you proposed in pull request #6 is one possible solution to fix that :)

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