New Function Request: Convert Between Binary & Floating Point Representations

Issue #649 closed
Former user created an issue

I work in embedded systems where I am interacting with floating point numbers transmitted over a network. I spend a fair amount of time taking a floating point number and converting to its binary representation or converting in the other direction.

When I have internet access I use to do the conversion but I don't always have that access and quite often I need to do arithmetic before I produce the floating point number for transmission on the network or arithmetic on the number read from the network.

Hence, I feel that bin2float & float2bin functions would be useful additions to speedcrunch.

Comments (5)

  1. Pol Welter

    You'll be glad to hear that this feature is already implemented in the soon to be released version :)

  2. Jeremy Oakes

    I would like to also add that as an embedded developer a whole collection of these functions would be beneficial i.e. float-32, float-64, float-80, and possibly float-128.

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