Always on top not working

Issue #692 invalid
Gabriel Gross created an issue

The "Always on top" option is checked but is not working under Windows 8.1 (Pro 64 bit), it stays behing any kind of window. I use Speedcrunch v0.12.

Comments (6)

  1. Tey'

    Thanks for your report.

    I don't have a Windows 8 box to test with, but I've tried on XP, 7 and 10, and I'm unable to reproduce that issue. Can another dev reproduce it?

  2. Gabriel Gross reporter

    I tried again today at work, where I have windows 8.1, and now it seems to work. At home I have windows 10, and it also works. I don't know what happened when I tested first.

  3. Tey'

    For what it's worth, I also encountered that issue once on W10, but toggling the "Always on top" option twice fixed it. I was unable to reproduce it afterwards. I believe this might be a Qt bug anyway, so we can't do much about it.

  4. Martin Ankerl

    It does not work for me as well. Windows 10. No amount of toggling makes the "always on top" working.

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