XoR Calc Error?

Issue #777 invalid
Harry Pod created an issue

129 Xor 84 = 10836

In windows calc programmer,

129 Xor 84 = 213

Comments (4)

  1. Pol Welter

    In SpeedCrunch xor is a function, not an operator. The correct syntax would be xor(129; 84).

    The fact that your expression was accepted and not rejected as invalid syntax is an unfortunate combination of implied multiplication and the (now deprecated) simplified function notation. It was in fact interpreted as 129 Xor 84 = 129 * xor(84).

    Yet another reason for why we will drop the simplified function notation in a future version of SC.

  2. Harry Pod reporter

    Hi Pol, thanks for the info and explanation on the correct syntax! Looks good to me now.

  3. IC

    @Pol Welter , Why isn’t X xor Y invalid syntax? It looks weird that xor(X; Y) and X xor Y give different results and no syntax error is thrown, however any typo in function name will cause an error like X xorr Y

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