Volt/ohm is not translated in Ampere

Issue #790 invalid
Nicola Zaquini created an issue

1volt/1ohm = 1e0 ampere⁻³ meter⁴ kilogram² second⁻⁶

should be

1volt/1ohm = 1e0 ampere

Thanks Nicola

P.S.: version 0.1.2 operating system Windows 7 Ultimate for more details see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Units#Derived_units

Comments (4)

  1. Nicola Zaquini reporter

    Thanks, now I understand.

    However isn't it a little unusual to have to write 1 volt / (1 ohm) for meaning 1 volt / 1 ohm, like I would write it on paper? I understand that there is a degree of ambiguity in writing 1 volt / 1 ohm and other more complicated calculations. Maybe you already discussed this, sorry that I haven't read all threads about.

  2. Pol Welter

    No problem. We decided to give implicit multiplication the same precedence as explicit multiplication for simplicity. Otherwise people would wonder why 1/2 x is not equal to 1/2*x.

    The units are treated like any other variable and just multiplied with the numeric value. Mathematically this may be debatable, but it greatly simplifies the the parser.

    Those two decisions together account for the behaviour you see. While (arguably) not the most intuitive, it is simple to understand.

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