Speedcrunch Ubuntu just dies

Issue #796 new
Former user created an issue

On Ubuntu 16.04 (current updates applied), with automatic completion turned on, as I type a function, the program just stops. Reloaded, and turning off automatic completion, I can operate the tool as usual. Speedcrunch version: 0.12

Comments (18)

  1. Helder Correia repo owner

    Are you using the package straight from Ubuntu or our downloads page (and which one)?

  2. Bill Komanetsky

    I installed the Ubuntu package, then found it was not as good as the one downloaded from the download page. So, I uninstalled it. I then downloaded the one from the download page (most current version), then sudo dpkg -i file When I run speedcrunch from the command line, it reflects some problems to the teerminal. Shows a stack overflow as I type ieee_....

    I did the same with the current mint linux distribution, no problems.

    Thanks for your attention.

  3. Helder Correia repo owner

    @bkomanetsky can you please post here everything you see on the terminal when this happens, please?

  4. bkomanet

    As I type ieee_7 the program dies and here is what is in the terminal

    bkomanet@bjkUbuntu16:~$ speedcrunch QTextCursor::setPosition: Position '2' out of range QTextCursor::setPosition: Position '3' out of range QTextCursor::setPosition: Position '4' out of range QTextCursor::setPosition: Position '5' out of range Segmentation fault (core dumped) bkomanet@bjkUbuntu16:~$

  5. Tey'

    It does not remind me of anything, but my memory is not a reliable component :)

    The backstack seems to indicate the crash happens in QTreeModel::index(const QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) because item is an invalid pointer (=0x21). Trying to go up the stack trace is complicated without the debug symbols (and the trace looks corrupted after frame 3), but most of the functions calls are from Qt so there is no direct relationship with our code.

    @bkomanetsky Can you try the latest development build and check if the issue still happens please? You can use Felix's PPA for that: https://code.launchpad.net/~fkrull/+archive/ubuntu/speedcrunch-daily

    Also, does your system has some extra accessibility features enabled? The stack trace suggests this could be related.

  6. bkomanet

    I checked accessibility features and found I had zoom turned on. Shift-CTRL-+ and Shift-CTRL-- allows me to zoom in and out as I am a college professor wanting to zoom in on my screen from time to time. I went to the accessibility tool bar and turned off zoom (so I cannot zoom in or out any longer). I started speedcrunch and the problem has gone away. Also, with this off, no more errors on the terminal session which I used to start speedcrunch. cool!

    I still need to be able to zoom in and out however, but this is a work-around.

  7. Tey'

    I've tried to reproduce the crash in a VM with Ubuntu 16.04 (amd64) and the zoom feature turned on, but failed. Do you use the Unity graphical environment or something else? There is no builtin settings for configuring the zoom feature in Ubuntu Unity, so I had to install compizconfig-settings-manager to enable it. Your previous message refers to an accessibility toolbar, but there is no such thing in my installation (or more exactly, the only toolbar that looks like that does not support the zoom feature).

  8. Felix Krull

    At a quick look, this sounds suspiciously similar to #688, which we never managed to reproduce either, judging from the comments.

  9. Tey'

    Yup, the stack traces look similar. I'm able to reproduce it in an Ubuntu Gnome VM, so we might end up fixing both tickets hopefully... unless it is related to Qt as I suspect.

  10. Helder Correia repo owner

    @fk, that's the exact ticket I was looking for. I knew I had seen a similar report before... @Teyut Thanks, let us know if you reach a solution / conclusion.

  11. bkomanet

    Is there a place to donate to the speedcrunch effort? I use it a lot and considering how you guys are helping, would like to donate to its continued support. Thanks everyone!

  12. Tey'

    A quick update: I've tried to debug this problem in a VM, but the desktop freezes when related breakpoints are reached in gdb. I thought it was a VM issue, so I've tried on a physical install, but the same behavior happens. I guess the problem is related to an event sent by the desktop manager which is stuck until the event processing is over. Maybe this is possible to run gdb from a tty so that it can be used even though the desktop is frozen... TBH, I doubt this is something related to our code and I have no time right now to investigate further, so don't expect a fix anytime soon :(

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