How to launch/bring Speeschrunch in front

Issue #815 closed
Geir Fossnes created an issue

This calculator is great! Do I misunderstand how to start the calculator? I would like to start it/bring it in front with a shortcut. As: ctrS or something. (Is it the meaning to use cmd K?....Do not work for me)


Comments (4)

  1. Geir Fossnes reporter

    ..........I have also tried the shortcut: ctr + K. Do not work. Could the answer be that these shortcuts are designed

    Geir for windows and not for Mac?

  2. Helder Correia repo owner

    This question is not specific to SpeedCrunch, but @sgaist can you help @Fossnes on the Mac desktop?

  3. Daniel Barrows

    @Fossnes If I understand correctly, you're looking for a keyboard shortcut that you can type at any time in order to either start SpeedCrunch if it isn't running, or bring SpeedCrunch in front of all other application windows if SpeedCrunch is running in a background window.

    If so, that keyboard shortcut would need to be registered with a component of your operating system and handled by your window manager, and has little to do with SpeedCrunch itself.

    A quick internet search reveals a couple options to create a script to bring a window to the front on macs, as well as several how-to pages on creating mac keyboard shortcuts:

    You'll want to write the script first, then create the shortcut to invoke it. Good luck!

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