Windows 10 UI scaling issues

Issue #863 new
Lars Christensen created an issue

When swapping between different UI scaling on Windows 10 speedcrunch does not fully adjust it's UI scaling. The main widget appears OK, but menus, tooltips, etc. are not always adjusted.

This happens when switch from laptop monitor (4k, 225% scaling) to external monitor (100% scaling)

Going from 100% -> 225% (4K monitor):

  • Tooltip is extremely small (calculation preview)
  • Text in about box is extremely small

Going from 225% -> 100%:

  • Input line, menu bar, title bar remaings in very large font (24 pt or so)
  • About box text is still extremely small (4 pt or so)

Some screenshots attached.

Comments (1)

  1. Pol Welter

    This is a Windows issue. For a DPI change to be succesfully applied, Windows requires the user to sign out and in again. Sometimes it is enough to just close and reopen the program.

    Maybe Qt/SC could be made to cope with a DPI change better, but I don't think this is something that we can solve on our side.

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