modified numpad mapping don’t work

Issue #899 closed
Former user created an issue


On Linux Mint19 with Mate, on SpeedCrunch 0.12. I have modified my numpad mapping to write hexadecimal number with “shift” It is not take in account in SpeedCrunch but it is OK in other software.

But it is OK in Windows version of SpeedCrunch, where I use pkl.exe software. (This software use autohotkey macro to work.)

See my keyboard mapping bellow:

// ******************************
// *  Kéa_ToucheLibre_Keypad    *
// ******************************
// Keypad definition for ToucheLibre keyboard
// To be used with "Kéa_ToucheLibre_ISO105"
// see
// Not integrated in XOrg
// Version : V1.0 in mars 2019
// by Lilian Tribouilloy <>
// ┌─────┐
// │ S A │   S = Shift,  A = AltGr + Shift
// │ s a │   s = direct, a = AltGr
// └─────┘
// ┏━━━━━┱─────┬─────┬─────┐
// ┃ e √ ┃ ÷ ¬ │ × ∘ │ − ∂ │
// ┃ ^ ⏨  ┃ / : │ * ⋅ │ - ∓ │
// ┡━━━━━╃─────┼─────┼─────┤
// │ ( ℂ │ ) ℍ │ ∞ ∃ │     │
// │ 7 i │ 8 j │ 9 ∀ │     │
// ├─────┼─────┼─────┤ ± ∫ │
// │ D ⅅ │ E ℚ │ F ℝ │ + ∑ │
// │ 4 → │ 5 ⇒ │ 6 ⇔ │     │
// ├─────┼─────┼─────╆━━━━━┪
// │ A ℙ │ B ℕ │ C ℤ ┃     ┃
// │ 1 € │ 2 $ │ 3 ¤ ┃     ┃
// ├─────┴─────┼─────┨ ≈ ≝ ┃
// │    x ∅    │ . ∈ ┃ = ≠ ┃
// │    0 b    │ , ½⍽┃     ┃
// └───────────┴─────┺━━━━━┛
// ***********************
// ¡¡¡   À mettre dans fichier : /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/keypad   !!!

partial keypad_keys
xkb_symbols "core" {

    modifier_map Mod2 { Num_Lock };

    key <NMLK> { [     asciicircum,                    e,               U23E8,           U221A  ] }; // ^ e ⏨  √
    key <KPEN> { [           equal,                U2248,               U2260,           U225D  ] }; // = ≈ ≠ ≝
//    key <KPEQ> { [ KP_Equal                     ] };


partial keypad_keys
xkb_symbols "ossmath" {

    key.type[Group1]="CTRL+ALT" ;

    key <KPDV> { [       KP_Divide,             division,             colon,             U00AC  ] }; //  / ÷ : ¬
    key <KPMU> { [     KP_Multiply,             multiply,             U22C5,             U2218  ] }; //  * × ⋅ ∘
    key <KPSU> { [     KP_Subtract,                U2212,             U2213,             U2202  ] }; //  - − ∓ ∂
    key <KPAD> { [          KP_Add,            plusminus,             U2211,             U222B  ] }; //  + ± ∑ ∫


partial keypad_keys
xkb_symbols "ossnumber" {

    key.type[Group1]="FOUR_LEVEL_MIXED_KEYPAD" ;

    key <KP7>  { [               7,            parenleft,                 i,             U2102  ] }; //  7 ( i ℂ
    key <KP8>  { [               8,           parenright,                 j,             U210D  ] }; //  8 ) j ℍ
    key <KP9>  { [               9,                U221E,             U2200,             U2203  ] }; //  9 ∞ ∀ ∃

    key <KP4>  { [               4,                    D,             U2192,             U2145  ] }; //  4 D → ⅅ
    key <KP5>  { [               5,                    E,             U21D2,             U211A  ] }; //  5 E ⇒ ℚ
    key <KP6>  { [               6,                    F,             U21D4,             U211D  ] }; //  6 F ⇔ ℝ

    key <KP1>  { [               1,                    A,          EuroSign,             U2119  ] }; //  1 A € ℙ
    key <KP2>  { [               2,                    B,            dollar,             U2115  ] }; //  2 B $ ℕ 
    key <KP3>  { [               3,                    C,     dead_currency,             U2124  ] }; //  3 C ¤ ℤ

    key <KP0>  { [               0,                    x,                 b,             U2205  ] }; //  0 x b ∅


// ***********************
// ¡¡¡   À mettre dans fichier : /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/kpld   !!!

partial keypad_keys
xkb_symbols "dotoss" {

    key.type[Group1]="FOUR_LEVEL_MIXED_KEYPAD" ;

    key <KPDL> { [           comma,               period,             U202F,             U2208  ] }; // , . ½⍽ ∈


Thanks a lot Best regards

Comments (5)

  1. lilian

    More detail:

    It is OK with following key: "NumLock", "/", "*", "-", "+", "Enter"

    With "0", ".", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9":

    • "AltGr" modifier works.
    • "AltGr + Shift" modifier works
    • but "Shift" modifier don’t works
  2. Tey'

    What happens in SpeedCrunch when you press the key combinations that do not work? If the history scrolls up or down by pressing one of these keys (probably SHIFT+9 or SHIFT+3), please tell if it scrolls by one page or by one line only.

    Should there be an issue, it is probably located in the Editor::keyPressEvent() method.

  3. lilian

    Hi Tey’

    I am sorry, I think it is a false alarm. After rebooting my PC. All is OK. So it must have been a Linux bug.

    All the letters can be writen (except dead_currency, it not important). I can write hexadecimal with shift and AltGr. So cool !

    I love so much SpeedCrunch. I recommend it to everyone Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Thanks a lot Best regards Lilian

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