Option to disable fallback to scientific notation in general/fixed decimal

Issue #907 new
Terlisimo created an issue

General/fixed falls back to scientific at just 7 digits.

I’d like the option to disable this fallback entirely, or to have number of digits at which it happens configurable.

I use speedcrunch for programming and find the bit display and shift operations very useful.

However, the scientific notation just gets in the way for this purpose. Most of the unix utilities such as “dd”, or most programming tools/languages for that matter, do not support scientific notation, so then I have to manually “move the dot” to get the required value, which is tedious.


dec(0x0147000) = 1.339392e6

The result is not friendly for copy/pasting into tools that don’t support scientific notation.

Comments (2)

  1. Terlisimo reporter

    Currently this is hardcoded in hmath.cpp, function formatGeneral():

    if (expd > 5)

    Change this integer if you want the fallback to Scientific notation take place at a different number of digits.

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