Changing result format doesn't update autoCalc popup

Issue #908 duplicate
Alan Birtles created an issue

It’d be nice if the autoCalc popup updated when changing the result format. I’ve implemented this in a fork at (I don’t have permission to create pull requests).

Comments (7)

  1. Helder Correia repo owner

    What is the issue exactly when you try to make a pull request into this repo’s master?

  2. Tey'

    I've just tried from a new account: it works, but is a bit misleading. You must create the PR from your forked repository, not from ours. The "Create pull request" button means something like "Create PR from this repository into the parent one".

  3. Alan Birtles reporter

    oops, sorry, thought I’d forgotten to publish my changes. I’ll close this one and try to create a PR

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