User defined function description?

Issue #921 new
Former user created an issue

I've searched through issues and online looking for a way to add a description to a user created function. I even tried adding "description": "this is description" entry to the speedcrunch session.json file with no luck :P. Is this possible?


Define Function: f(x) = x^2

Then when using it would auto-populate the tool tip like the built-in functions instead of just saying User Function it would have the custom description.


Comments (3)

  1. Tey'

    You can already add a comment to user functions using the ? operator:

    func(a;b;c) = a + b * c ? just a dumb function

    It will show in the users functions pane. We might use that comment to show a description in the autocomplete drop down list as you suggest.

  2. d

    “You can already add a comment to user functions using the ? operator”

    Cool. Thank you for reply about this, I am using this feature.

    ”We might use that comment to show a description in the autocomplete drop down list as you suggest.”

    Well, that would be awesome but of course not mandatory. I appreciate your reply and any and all work that goes into this project. I love this thing. One of only calcs I use for forseeable. I looked at the source code functions too when I posted originally, but don’t know cpp.

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