"Trigger selected cell" and "Record selected slot"-like actions misbehavior

Issue #296 resolved
Benjamin Klum repo owner created an issue

After using "Trigger selected cell" to record a slot (possible by changing trigger mode in the settings), the state of this automation parameter is still "off" although it should be "on". That means untriggering the recording via "Trigger selected cell" is not possible anymore.

Also, because historically it was not possible to record multiple slots at once, all "Record selected slot"-like actions don't really relate to the currently selected slot but instead to all currently recording ones. That should be changed.

Also, REAPER's toggle mode sends the same value again if a switch is released (e.g. if CC64 sends value 0).

  1. In case of "Record selected slot" that has the weird side effect that the clip is stopped when releasing the switch too late (after recording has already stopped and auto-play is active as a result of pressing the button).
  2. In case of "Trigger selected cell" that has the weird side effect that the clip is retriggered when the switch is released. However, this can't be avoided because Playtime has no way of knowing if this was a not a desired retrigger. So this needs to be fixed in REAPER itself or avoided by using a plugin for advanced MIDI Learn such as ReaLearn. An alternative would be to provide an additional parameter that doesn't need to be used in toggle mode. Of course this kind of parameter is not suited for MIDI feedback but if you don't use ReaLearn, you don't get MIDI feedback anyway. But this is out of scope for this ticket, see #301.
  3. In case of "Trigger selected cell" and trigger action "Record (!) -> Play -> Stop", it has the weird side effect that when releasing the switch too late, the currently playing clip is recorded again (bad!). Here we have the same options like 2.
  4. In case of "Trigger selected cell" and trigger action "Record (!) -> Play -> Stop" or "Record/play -> Stop/retrigger", releasing the switch too late can result in an annoying warning message. This can be fixed.

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