Alternative controller file for APC mini that uses round buttons as group stop buttons

Issue #317 new
Benjamin Klum repo owner created an issue

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Comments (6)

  1. Guy Incognito

    Hi Benjamin, was this ever implemented? I just bought Playtime and an APC Mini to use with it and I’ve been trying for the past two days to figure out how to do this. Tearing my hair out! 🙂 I can’t use the Reaper setting to do it as it lists it as the Record control - so every time I hit a mapped key it records a loop instead of stopping a group.

    Keep up the good work! ✌

  2. Benjamin Klum reporter

    You can always build your own controller by showing the MIDI triggers (right click => MIDI triggers). Click on the right side of a slot/scene/group to put it into learn mode. Do that with a group for example and press the round stop button that you want to assign.

  3. Guy Incognito

    Thanks for your reply!

    That is exactly the problem.

    1. There is no “Learn” button on the supplied “APCmini” configuration profile. It is present on the “Generic” setup, but not on the “APCmini” setup.
    2. The first 4 round buttons do not work when trying to use the other large red “Learn” button in the bottom right panel (when on the “APCmini” configuration profile).

    I can map it, if I change to “generic” controller - but then I lose the implimentation of the LED lights.

    Perhaps this unlisted Youtube video I have made of the issue will explain better. Sorry if I talk too fast 🙂


  4. Guy Incognito

    OK thanks, I will try this.

    I am not at all a programmer, but perhaps I can edit the json - I’d already been looking at it in notepad to see if I could figure it out myself.

  5. Guy Incognito

    OK, that worked. Thanks for your help!

    Now to try and edit this into the json file and get LED implimentation working too 🙂

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