Show/hide feature for the settings area under the session view .
That would be great for small screens and laptops.
Comments (10)
repo owner re
#34Add option to hide detail view, not saved with project yet→ <<cset 1d785ce2cbc6>>
repo owner re
#34Also add option to hide navigation bar, not saved with project yet→ <<cset 1e0b22491004>>
repo owner re
#34Save with project if navigation bar and/or detail view is hidden→ <<cset ef090ba78bee>>
repo owner re
#34Fix background images memory leak→ <<cset a869e2c54173>>
repo owner re
#34Fix lost GUI update if project loaded with navigation bar and/or detail view hidden→ <<cset 6754a1ceda1f>>
repo owner re
#34Make global context menu also available on upper message box→ <<cset 094251bb1908>>
repo owner - changed status to resolved
repo owner Right click on background => Toolbar / Detail view
repo owner re
#34If auto-play enabled and tempo detection mode disabled, glue item on-the-fly while recorded clip already playing in order to save time→ <<cset 700b2d638e90>>
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That and the ability to also hide/collapse the upper "Write"- "Local Settings"- "Preferences-" bar would be neat