Triggering Slot/Cell via the Web Browser Interface

Issue #345 new
Bruce Williams created an issue

My apologies if this isn’t the right medium to submit this. I suppose you could consider this a proposed enhancement to Playtime’s documentation, as it’s a little unclear how someone might go about integrating Playtime with Reaper’s web browser-based control (unless they’re already familiar). Am happy to move this to another medium, including email, if you’d like to discuss in detail.

Background: We’re evaluating Playtime (& Reaper) for use in an interactive art installation (sound and visuals). Reaper’s built-in web interface is a perfect fit for us—our idea is to use multiple mobile devices, each mapped to trigger/untrigger a specific slot/cell to provide a collaborative experience for several people interacting with the exhibit at once.

My understanding is that, each cell/slot would have to have a Command ID that we can trigger with wwr_req from JS. I see some _playtime-prefixed Command IDs, but nothing at the slot/cell level. Perhaps another action could be used (something relating to the automation envelopes Playtime sets-up per slot/cell)?

The artist/musician I’m working with is very impressed with Playtime (we previously looked at Ableton Live’s Session view + Max), and I’d love to be able to tell him whether it’s a good fit for this project. This is the major blocker to me telling him that yes, 👍, we should purchase licenses and move forward.

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