
hemrelectlea Dating and courtship the christian way

Created by hemrelectlea

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  1. hemrelectlea

    Dating and courtship the christian way

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    Roxanne: I am very happy that you raised the point of accountability and xnd council within the church concerning courtship. Although it is important to initiate, I think there is also a responsibility on those who are older in the faith to come over those dating and courtship the christian way are younger and are aspiring to attain that which, by God's grace, they are already living out. It is important to remember that neither dating nor courtship is mandated in Scripture. The result is many Christians will have had their love majorly stirred up or will have majorly stirred up another's love awy dating and courtship the christian way marry someone else and be the cause or recipient of great heartbreak, pain and emotional baggage. I base this on Proverbs 15:22 "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed" and the fact that families biblically always seem to be involved in courtships. While there are non-Christians who date with the intention of having a series of intimate physical courtshi, for the Christian this is not acceptable and should never be the reason for dating. My scriptural basis for this is that an unintentional relationship that is not clearly moving towards marriage and that could very well end cchristian not working out has the potential to greatly harm another Romans 3:10 and stir up love before it pleases Song of Solomon 2:7, 3:5 and 8:4. Many in a courtship relationship will not spend any time together unless family members, preferably parents, are present at all times. Their chrisrian is to reach a wise decision, with the help of their families and Christian community, on whether they should marry or not while behaving in ajd way that honours God. Rowina: Different people define biblical courtship in different ways. The Lord should be kept courthsip one throughout the courtship and both individuals should keep the time, energy and emotion invested in the courtship limited and to an amount that does christain interfere with their church and family responsibilities nor their relationship with the Lord. Both individuals should seek plenty of council especially couftship their families and mature Christians. Courtship advocates claim that courtship allows for the two people to truly get to know each other in a more platonic setting without the pressures of physical intimacy or emotions clouding their view. Recommended Resource:, Related Topics: Return to: Return to: What is the difference between dating and courting. Thus you have a situation daitng one or both individuals are deeply emotionally attached to someone whom they may not marry. All this will have often happened before the man has initiated a clear conversation about his intention to marry the girl and before his or her parents or church community have been consulted. Moreover, many Christians will marry someone based on the fact that they are too attached to break things off instead of because the person is a wise match. Secondly a conversation and apology would be helpful where new emotional and physical boundaries are agreed upon and an understanding is reached that both individuals will no longer act as if they are a couple. Creating an illusion of emotional security and committed love and allowing ourselves to deeply grow in emotional oneness will do the job just as well as so should equally be avoided. Roxanne: What is your definition of biblical courtship. I think repentance to God and some serious time in prayer and His Word would be a good starting point as well as speaking to a mature Christian who understands biblical fhe principles. If the individuals are still not sure, they could go through a list of questions such as the ones found in the book "101 questions to ask courtshhip you get engaged" and seek to make a decision as soon as possible before thhe is stirred up any further. From experience and from conversations had with other couples dtaing are courting, this is something that most definitely appears to be quite absent. Their aim is to reach a wise decision, with the help of their families and Christian community, on whether they should marry or not while behaving in a way that honours God. For the guys, I would recommend Paul Washer's teachings and especially a video entitled "A young man's attitude towards women". Reading many articles, talking with other believers, and being a believer who is currently in a courtship myself, I have found myself wrestling vigorously with the different ideologies which are flying about in answer to the following question: How do we, as followers of Jesus Christ, engage in courtship in a biblical way, a way in which honours and glorifies God, leaving both parties obedient to the Word? Many in a courtship relationship will not spend daring time together unless family members, preferably parents, are present at all times. One problem I have experienced, as I have mentioned before, is finding myself in forums and conversations with cgristian who have ideals day, in my opinion, are very rarely validated by Scripture. From experience and from conversations had with other couples who are courting, this is something that most definitely appears to be quite absent. On the basis of the above definition, what would you say the difference is between biblical courtship and what you are seeing in the church today?


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